
Four Leadership Books:

Milestones Ministry offers four leadership books that can be used to engage the congregation in conversations about faith formation.

All four books challenge church leaders to shift the center of faith formation from the congregation into a shared center involving the home and ministry in daily life. The end result is a stronger congregation-home partnership. All three include the Five Principles of Faith Formation, Four Key Faith Practices, and Three Characteristics of Christians at their core to establish a consistent faith practice throughout all ministries in the congregation. This results in a strong foundation where all speak the same language and use the same faith practices that play such a vital role in one’s faith journey.

Books for website

Find these books and more by clicking on this link.

Coming Soon! Shepherd of Souls: Faith Formation through Trusted Relationships by David W. Anderson

The shepherd of souls ministry represents the deeply meaningful, personal, and communal life of befriending brothers and sisters in the Christian faith. It serves the work of discipleship formed through personal, trusted relationships. The world needs—and the church needs—for that ministry to happen with increased intentionality and consistency. For it to bless the lives of Christians and non-Christians alike, it will break out of sanctuaries, board meetings, fellowship halls, and Christian education classrooms and enter into homes, neighborhoods, workplaces, and the larger world waiting to hear and experience the reconciling love of God in Christ. Then the ministry of the congregation and the ministry of the home have faithfully worked, played, and danced together for the care of souls to the glory of God and the needs of one’s neighbor.

Vibrant Faith in the Congregation by David W. Anderson

In this sequel to From the Great Omission to Vibrant Faith: The Role of the Home in Renewing the Church , David W. Anderson shifts gears and identifies what the faith framework using the five principles, four keys, and three characteristics of Christians looks like in the congregation. With special emphasis on Christian faith formation and community outreach, this book illustrates how congregations have successfully applied this faith framework to various congregational ministries such as evangelism, Christian education, worship and preaching, and youth and family, and stewardship. It offers congregational leaders and ministry teams practical ways to bring their congregation together as “one” ministry rather than  several disconnected activities under one roof.


From the Great Omission to Vibrant Faith: The Role of the Home in Renewing the Church by David W. Anderson

This book identifies a repeated mistake happening in church practices. This mistake is not inviting, equipping, and expecting parents and other adults to play a vital role in the faith formation of their children and the young people in their congregation. David W. Anderson calls this error the Great Omission. He writes to congregational leaders, parents, grandparents, and adults who seek a vibrant faith in Jesus Christ for themselves and their children.


Frogs Without Legs Can’t Hear by David W. Anderson and Dr. Paul Hill

“It takes a whole church frog (head/leadership), torso (body), and legs (home) to raise persons of faith in a world in need of God.” This book challenges church professionals and volunteers to shift the center of faith formation from the congregation to a shared center involving the home and ministry in daily life. Drawing on five principles that define the congregation, home partnership, and four key faith practices that promote faith development. David and Paul have written a timely and provocative book keenly suited to ministry in the 21st century.